This course has already ended.



Are you ready to become a DevOps guru?

This new version is under construction, and mainly the content is based on last year’s implementation.


Course staff

  • Kari Systä,, lectures and main responsibility. Primary contact email, on urgent issues by phone (050 4835496). Also when seen in corridors, cafeteria or TF114.
  • Chalith Haputhantrige ( as course assistant


This is one of the very last courses in the Web and Cloud master program, so the students are expected to know quite a lot. In particular, the students should have passed the course Web Programming 2 - Architectures. In terms of skills, the students should

  • Basics of “process” side of software engineering, (e.g what is Agile)
  • Understand basics of operating systems, and have sufficient mastering of Linux command line.
  • Know basics of cloud, virtualization and docker.
  • Be fluent in programming with technologies used cloud applications. You can use JavaScript, Python or Golang.
  • Know use of git
  • Basics of TCP/IP, e.g. what is “NAT”.

Overall, assume that this course is more demanding than our average course.

On-line vs physical events?

The target is a mixed-mode. The balance will be decided based on the student preferences. A number of physical events will be organized but the presence is not compulsory. The more students show up, the more we will have.

Content of the course

Theory part (“Lectures”):

  • We will not have regular weekly lectures in its traditional meaning. Instead we mostly utilize video recordings from earlier course. For new or changed theory content, new lectures will take place.
  • For new lectures we use either zoom or physical events. This depends on students. The teacher would like to talk to real audience.
  • A bunch of reading material will be collected.
  • An exam will test your knowledge about this content.

Hands-in part - We will also have on-line exercises that need to be complete and - a challenging project in which the students create their own deployment pipeline.

Graphical representation of the course content .

Learning topics

In this course you will learn background, motivation, theory and practice about

  • DevOps - project management perspective: how and why developers and operations should collaborate and sometimes they are even combined.
  • Development practices - Continuous Deployment and automated pipelines
  • Cloud-native architectures - how applications should be architected for cloud

Frequently asked questions

Q: Is this an AWS course?
A: No. We will use AWS as on example in various places, but the philosophy is to stay technology and vendor neutral
Q: Is this a Kubernetes course?
A: No. You will hear about Kubernetes but this course is more about general principles.
Q: Can this course we taken remotely?
A: Yes, but for the exam you need to use facilities of some Finnish university with a compatible exam room. Naturally, a worsening COVID-19 situation may change this rule.
Q: Are events recorded?
A: Yes, and we also utilize the recordings from the last year.
Q: In the project group work or individual ?
A: We do not know yet. (Sorry)
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