Group discussionΒΆ

Discuss within your team about how to share the work, which tools to use, and other team practices. Please note that this work is submitted by each member separately, so you can also have different opinions within a group.

What do you think is essential to get things going smoothly as a team?

Let us imagine that the team would implement a website that fetches data from a remote server and represents the data in various formats.

Which kind of tasks are identified? How are the tasks thought to be divided between team members?

How woud you track the progress and division of the tasks?

About the assignment

Give a compact rationale why/why not one should use git?

Discuss about your experiences about weekly exercises this far, focus on the difficult parts in particular.

Write a short summary of these discussions.

The number of members in the group that are going to continue to WebDev1?

The difficulty level of weekly exercises in this course this far?

What do you think about JavaScript as a language? (At this point, check also that everyone knows how to debug JavaScript code in a browser by using Developer Tools. This is necessary for doing the next exercises.)

Are you aware of functional programming (FP) features of JavaScript? Itemize as many FP features as you know and provide a short explanation of functional programming.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.