WebDev roadmap

Earlier you read and summarized an article about web development:

  • In exercise 3.1 you read and summarized an article about web development.

  • In exercise 4.7 you peer-reviewed your fellow student’s article summary and received feedback about your own summary.

Description of the task

Take your summary and the feedback you received and create an HTML document “WebDev roadmap” which attempts to answer at least the following questions:

  1. Which are the most useful technologies to learn for a web developer and why?

  2. Which are the best ways to learn web development?

  3. How will AI change future web development?

This exercise can be submitted either alone or in groups of 1-3 people.


The document has the following requirements:

  1. HTML must pass validation (no errors allowed)

  2. Semantic markup must be used, at least <main>, <section>, and <footer> elements must appear in the document.

    • Divide your content into separate sections where it makes sense

    • Both <main> and <footer> can contain as many sections as necessary

  3. Document must pass accessibility validation. No critical or serious errors.

    • See more details below

  4. The document main content (content inside <main>) should be at least 500 words long.

    • The content should of course be divided into separate sections, paragraphs, lists, tables, etc. as usual.

  5. Any external reference materials must be listed and links provided to any online resources.

    • The document must include an APA style reference list. (See more details below)

    • The list must be contained inside an <article id=”references”> tag

    • At least two (2) references must be present with links to them.

  6. Mark any AI created content clearly and visibly.

Accessibility validation

The grader uses Axe® Accessibility Testing Tools to evaluate the accessibility of the page and its HTML.

You can also install it as browser extension to check the accessibility before you submit your document. The extension can be found in its own tab inside the browser developer tools.

Audit the accessibility with Axe, and fix all critical and serious issues that the tool reports in your HTML file.

APA Style Reference List

The image shows an example of an APA style reference list and the table describes the HTML structure, required elements, and their attributes.

The grader requires that the list must contain at least two existing references with links to them.

APA Style Reference List in HTML
Tag Parent Required attributes Description
<article> N/A id="references" (required by the grader) Represents a self-contained piece of content, such as a blog post or an article
<h2> <article> N/A Heading level 2 for the title of the reference list
<ul> <article> class="ref-apa" Unordered list representing the reference list, with class "ref-apa" for styling
<li> <ul> N/A List item containing each reference
<em> <li> N/A Italicizes text within the list item, such as journal names and volume numbers
<a> <li> data-retrieved-url="true" Anchor tag for URLs of online resources


The use of ChatGPT and other AI bots is allowed but you have to mark any AI created content clearly and visibly.

This exercise can be submitted either alone or in groups of 1-3 people.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.