Survey: General study/group work views

In this questionnaire you review general study skills. The answers to this questionnaire are used for course development and research purposes. It is part of the more verbose questionnaire that measures students’ engagement to their studies. More information available about Nexus and Vesa Korhonen’s academic work in general.

Starting survey


The field of your studies. Answers in Finnish or English.

Was the current study field your first choice?

I am planning to do the final assignment (max +2 to grade)

I feel comfortable asking questions in Teams.

I feel comfortable expressing my ideas and opinions during the courses

I attend exercise sessions because I genuinely want to.

I feel I have sufficient freedom in choosing my learning path.

I feel I am becoming more competent as a result of the exercise sessions.

I feel free from external pressures when working on the exercises

I am satisfied with the feedback I receive for my submissions

I feel like I am becoming an expert in computer science while completing courses.

I would appreciate having more exercises where students can work in groups.

I enjoy reviewing others’ work and receiving feedback from them.

I think courses should have online forums for informal discussions between students.

I would like TUNI to invest more effort in building student communities.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

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