Timetable (with links to learning events and recordings)¶
Timetable will be updated as the course advances. From Plussa (this site) you can find more precise timetable information than from Sisu. If Sisu and Plussa contradicts with each other in their information, it is better to trust in Plussa.
All links¶
- Link to Zoom exercises: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/62173074692
- Lecture and exercise recordings can be found from Panopto:
- Remote Kooditorio: https://discord.gg/Rhrfxr3
- NOTE! Use Discord with Chrome browser
- FYI (citations from Intranet news):
Information security
- Zoom link to appointments:
- https://tuni.zoom.us/j/64123690434?pwd=blJicjQvSlJmNEZ2dElmNW9MamFHQT09
- Meeting ID: 641 2369 0434
- Passcode: 386134
Timetable information for the whole semester¶
Lectures will take place weekly from 10.1.2024 on:
- Wed at 12-14 K4242, Hervanta campus, Konetalo building
Lectures will be recorded.
Weekly exercises will take place weekly from 11.1.2024 on:
- Thu 16-18 Zoom (Kuura)
Check link from All links. Weekly exercises will be recorded.
Weekly exercises will consider an exercise (or a couple of them) from the current round. At each week, you can before-hand see, which exercise(s) will be considered. Exercises are not necessarily finished nor submitted in Plussa, and thus, you may need to complete them or fix them before submitting them in Plussa successfully.
Kooditorio hours will take place weekly (from 10.1.2024 on):
- Mon 10-12 (Joel, Hervanta TC215) [from 15.1.2024 on]
- Tue 12-14 (Kalle, remote) [from 16.1.2024 on]
- Wed 10-12 (Joel, remote) [from 10.1.2024 on]
- Fri 10-12 (Kalle, remote) [from 12.1.2024 on]
Check remote Kooditorio link from All links.
When project deadlines are close, there will be more Kooditorio hours. The additional hours can be found at each week a bit later.
Week 1 in period III¶
Lecture 10.1.2024: Course practicalities. Qt Creator and remote desktop. Version control. Submitting programming assignments for review.
Exercise hour 11.1.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 1 (mainly the exercise 1.7.1 Submission policy of the course and most probably also the exercise 1.8.1 Creating .gitignore file).
Kooditorio hours are especially meant for problems with Git and other tools.
- Wed 10.1.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, remote)
- Fri 12.1.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle, remote)
If you have no problems with Git nor with other things concerning the course, you need not (and should not) join Kooditorio.
Week 2 in period III¶
- Lecture 17.1.2024: Continuing the topics from the previous round (if necessary). Interpretation vs compilation. Variables and typing (static typing). Control structures.
- Exercise hour 18.1.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 2 (mainly the exercises 2.4.1 Cube and 2.6.1 Encryption, and if there is time enough, also the exercise 2.3.2 Nearest factors).
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 3 in period III¶
- Lecture 24.1.2024: Value semantics and reference semantics. Introduction to pointers. Concepts of object-oriented programming.
- Exercise hour 25.1.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 3 (mainly the exercise 3.4.1 Count the points of the game Mölkky, and if there is time enough, also the exercise 3.3.2 Library book).
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 4 in period III¶
- Lecture 31.1.2024: Vectors (from STL). Datadriven programming. The Waterdrop game. The first project.
- Exercise hour 1.2.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 4 (mainly the exercise 4.1.2 Splitting a string, and if there is time enough, also the project assignment and start).
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 5 in period III¶
Lecture 7.2.2024: General principles of STL: iterators and algorithms. Additional containers. Combining containers.
Exercise hour 8.2.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 5 (mainly the exercises 5.4.3 Word counter line by line and 5.3.1 Mixed text).
- Mon 5.2.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Niilo, Hervanta TC215) [usual time]
- Mon 5.2.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle, Discord)
- Tue 6.2.2024 at 10-12 (Antti & Niilo, Hervanta TC215)
- Tue 6.2.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord) [usual time]
- Tue 6.2.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Antti, Discord)
- Wed 7.2.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Wed 7.2.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Thu 8.2.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord)
- Thu 8.2.2024 at 12-14 (Kuura & Antti, Discord)
- Thu 8.2.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord)
- Thu 8.2.2024 at 16-18 (Niilo & Antti, Discord)
- Fri 9.2.2024 at 8-10 (Kuura & Jussi, Discord)
- Fri 9.2.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle & Antti & Niilo, Discord) [usual time]
- Fri 9.2.2024 at 14-16 (Kuura & Niilo, Discord)
Note that the closer the project deadline is, the longer the queue in Kooditorio is. So from the above hours, it is better to choose as early as possible.
Week 6 in period III¶
- Lecture 14.2.2024: Recursion in programming. Tail recursion.
- Exercise hour 15.2.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 6 (mainly the exercise 6.2.1 Networking and possibly also the exercise 6.1.3 Vertical print).
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 7 in period III¶
- Lecture 21.2.2024: Practical tips and demonstrations: Debugging in Qt Creator and detecting errors at different phases (compilation, linkage, execution). About the project and style issues.
- Exercise hour 22.2.2024:
To be considered assignments from Round 7 (i.e. project).
This exercise hour will mainly concentrate on how to read data from
the input file and store it to a suitable data structure,
and how to implement the command
. - Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 1 in period IV (week 8 of the course)¶
Lecture 6.3.2024: Memory and memory addresses. Pointers. Dynamic memory allocation. Dynamic data structures.
Exercise hour 7.3.2024: To be considered assignments from Round 8 (mainly the exercise 8.5.1 Moving cards, and if there is time enough, also the exercise 8.3.2 Student register).
Kooditorio (upcoming hours):
- Mon 4.3.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, Hervanta TC215) [usual time]
- Mon 4.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Tue 5.3.2024 at 10-12 (Antti, Discord)
- Tue 5.3.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Niilo, Discord) [usual time]
- Tue 5.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kuura & Antti, Discord)
- Wed 6.3.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Wed 6.3.2024 at 12-14 (Jussi & Niilo, Discord)
- Wed 6.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Thu 7.3.2024 at 8-10 (Jussi & Niilo, Discord)
- Thu 7.3.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord)
- Thu 7.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Antti, Discord)
- Fri 8.3.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle & Antti, Discord) [usual time]
- Fri 8.3.2024 at 12-14 (Jussi & Niilo, Discord)
- Fri 8.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
Note that the closer the project deadline is, the longer the queue in Kooditorio is. So from the above hours, it is better to choose as early as possible.
Week 2 in period IV (week 9 of the course)¶
- Lecture 13.3.2024: More dynamic memory management. Function pointers and smart pointers. Arrays.
- Exercise hour 14.3.2024: To be considered the assignments from Round 9 (9.4.1 Moving cards again and 9.3.1 Pocket calculator with a bit more than four operations and 9.6.1 Array operations).
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 3 in period IV (week 10 of the course)¶
- Lecture 20.3.2024: Modularity. Fraction example. Waterdrop game, the second version.
- Exercise hour 21.3.2024: To be considered the assignments from Round 10 (i.e. project). It will mainly concentrate on explaining the template code. This is an important starting point for writing new code.
- Kooditorio: see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Week 4 in period IV (week 11 of the course, includes Easter holiday)¶
Lecture 3.4.2024: Basics of inheritance. Basics of Qt.
Exercise hour 4.4.2024: To be considered the assignments from Round 11 (mainly the exercises 11.5.1 Colorpicker and 11.6.3 Timer). Moreover, it will be shown how to start the exercise 11.6.2 Total grade.
- Mon 25.3.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, Hervanta TC215) [usual time]
- Tue 26.3.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Tue 26.3.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle, Discord)
- Wed 3.4.2024 at 8-10 (Jussi, Discord)
- Wed 3.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Kuura, Discord) [usual time]
- Wed 3.4.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Niilo, Discord)
- Wed 3.4.2024 at 16-18 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Thu 4.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Kalle, Discord)
- Thu 4.4.2024 at 12-14 (Jussi & Niilo, Hervanta TC215)
- Thu 4.4.2024 at 16-18 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord)
- Fri 5.4.2024 at 8-10 (Joel & Jussi, Discord)
- Fri 5.4.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle & Niilo, Discord) [usual time]
- Fri 5.4.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Fri 5.4.2024 at 16-18 (Kuura & Niilo, Discord)
Note that the closer the project deadline is, the longer the queue in Kooditorio is. So from the above hours, it is better to choose as early as possible.
Week 5 in period IV (week 12 of the course)¶
- Lecture 10.4.2024: Preparing for the Qt project. The examples on typewriting, moving circle, and fruits. Waterdrop game, the third version.
- Exercise hour 11.4.2024: To be considered the 4th project. The template code will be inspected to see how to use it in the project. No project code will be considered but possible solution principles will be shown based on the examples on the round. They have a lot of code similar to that needed in the project.
- Kooditorio (upcoming hours): see weekly hours at Timetable information for the whole semester.
Weeks 6-7 in period IV (weeks 13-14 of the course)¶
Lecture 17.4.2024: Summary. Preparing for the exam.
Exercise hour 18.4.2024: no more exercises
24-25.4.2024: no more lectures nor exercises
Kooditorio (all the rest hours):
- Mon 15.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, Hervanta TC215) [usual time]
- Tue 16.4.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Wed 17.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, Discord) [usual time]
- Fri 19.4.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Mon 22.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel, Hervanta TC215) [usual time]
- Mon 22.4.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Niilo, Discord)
- Tue 23.4.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord) [usual time]
- Tue 23.4.2024 at 16-18 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Wed 24.4.2024 at 10-12 (Joel & Kuura, Discord) [usual time]
- Wed 24.4.2024 at 12-14 (Kalle & Niilo, Discord)
- Wed 24.4.2024 at 16-18 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Thu 25.4.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle & Kuura, Discord)
- Thu 25.4.2024 at 14-16 (Kalle & Jussi, Discord)
- Fri 26.4.2024 at 8-10 (Jussi & Niilo, Discord)
- Fri 26.4.2024 at 10-12 (Kalle, Discord) [usual time]
- Fri 26.4.2024 at 12-14 (Jussi & Niilo, Discord)
- Fri 26.4.2024 at 14-16 (Joel, Discord) [added new time]
Note that the closer the project deadline is, the longer the queue in Kooditorio is. So from the above hours, it is better to choose as early as possible.