Welcome to the 2nd programming course¶
Note on Sisu
Before starting the course, you will only enroll in the teaching part of the course in Sisu. Later you should again enroll in an exam (exams) in Sisu: separately in each exam instance that you will take. (There will three exam instances in the course.) Exams will be published in Sisu (and in the Exam system) only in the end part of the course or after it. If the exam enrollment in Sisu is missing, you will get no grade from the course.
Check also that Sisu has accepted your enrollment. The most common reason to reject enrollment is that the course is missing in the primary study plan. The course should be in the study plan for this semester. Enrollment in an exam can be accepted only if the enrollment in teaching has been accepted.
The material to be used on this course is like lecture notes, and it is not so book-like as on the previous programming course (Programming 1: Introduction to programming). However, if you think that you manage to pass the course independently as a network cource, you can skip the lectures and/or exercise hours. It is important to be present in the first lecture to get to know the way of acting of the course. Note still that the content of the course becomes more difficult as the course advances, and you may need more support at later phase of the course.
Assignments for weekly exercises and projects can be found on the platform. You can work with them independently, if such a way of action suits for you. However, they have been planned such that you can start working with them at exercise hours and then complete them by yourself.
Personnel of the course¶
At this term, the personnel of the course consists of the following people:
The responsible person (from Hervanta campus) is Maarit Harsu. She lectures the course and gives the credit points of the course. If you have previously passed programming courses in an other university and you want to replace your previous studies, please contact Maarit. You can contact her also if you need individual study arrangements.
The responsible person (from Pori campus) is Mika Saari. You can contact him in the same cases as you can contact Maarit, especially if you study in Pori.
Main assistant is Joel Haataja. He takes care of the automatic tests of programming assignments, replies to e-mail messages, supervises in Kooditorio, and coordinates the evaluation of programming projects.
Generalist is Eliisa Väkevä. Typically she has no contacts with students, except for answering to student’s e-mails in some cases.
Assistant Kuura Janhunen teaches both in Finnish and English exercise hours.
Assistant Kalle Lahtinen supervises in Kooditorio.
The fastest way to contact course personnel is email. All the email will be sent to the email address of the course: prog2@tuni.fi. Emails sent to this address will be processed faster than emails sent to personal addresses of the course personnel.
Appointments with course personnel are most easily done during lecture breaks, after lecture hours, after exercise hours, or in Kooditorio (room TC215, or at corona time via Discord). Moreover, at corona time, the responsible person of the course arranges weekly consulting hours via Zoom. (Times and links can be found from the menu on the left at Timetable & links.) If you have a personal topic that you want to discuss with the responsible person, you can send email to fix a time to meet.
If you need help in programming, you can join in exercise hours or Kooditorio hours, instead of sending long emails. In this way, it is possible for the assistant to clarify the problem/solution with drawings. Oral communication is usually easier than literary one. However, if a short advice is enough, you can use email, but it is not reasonable to teach programming to a single student via email, because for such purpose we have exercise hours and Kooditorio hours.