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Project Peer Review

As the last stage of the course project each team will get to know one other team's project implementation and will give feedback on it and its design decisions to the team. The goal of peer review is allow students to get to know different ways to implement the program, give an opportunity to reflect upon their project work and give experience in getting to other people's projects.

Giving Feedback

Peer review is not anonymous.

In the peer review feedback, take the following points into consideration:

*The most important thing is to give constructive feedback to the group under review. * The review should focus on the design decisions made and not on the coding style, commenting, and such style issues. * Be constructive in your review! Think what kind of peer review and feedback you would like to get from your work. Make also positive remarks and give feedback on the improvements in the form of "you could improve this like this" or "consider this as an alternative" instead of just stating negative aspects. Be concrete. * There are two parts in the review: the design decisions themselves and a comparision to your own team's work and how those differenciens affect the structure of the project. * The criteria are rather vague on purpose as the projects differ significantly from each other. Hence it is not purposeful to set clear cut guidelines. * Remember that the aim to to learn from the review i.e. to give a wider perspective to implementing these types of projects.

A good way to give feedback is to give positive, neutral and constructive comments. When making comparisons it is important to keep a constructive and encouraging tone.

Peer Review Pairs

The peer review is done in randomized pairs. The student mentioned first peer reviews the group in the second column.

Submitting the Peer Review

The peer review is done by sending the rfeview document directly to the pair by email.

The peer review is a free form pdf of about two pages. The document is given to the reviewed group but submit it here for points as well. .. in GitLab in the groups repository as an attachment to a snoppet. You can find snippets in the repository you are reviewing under Snippets->New snippet. Submit the file also here.

A+ presents the exercise submission form here.

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